Our Passion

Our passion is to help SEND, adoptive and foster families get the support they need!

Our mission is to make easier the life of SEND, adoptive and foster families and their children offering the following:

SEND and Adoption Coffee Morning – a peer support group to share and care in a judgement-free environment.

Affordable professional helpNeuroGraphica (NEW!!), Mindfulness, Therapeutic parenting, Massage therapy, Nutrition, Play therapy, Physiotherapy, Counselling at affordable prices for members.

Training For SEND and adoptive families and teachers to help adults help children: showing what works and what doesn’t with adoptive and foster children for a better quality of life both at home at school. This training might be payable through public funding.

Access to Public Funding – for families and schools; we help you know your rights and fill in those time-consuming forms.

Our number one competitive advantage is that we are from parents to parents. We are SEND and adoptive parents and we have walked the walk (we still are).