NeuroGraphica for SEND and Trauma
Enjoy this new and revolutionary technique to relax, de-stress and re-wire your brain. NeuroGraphica is the mind child of Russian Psychologist Pavel Piskarev who developed it as a tool to stimulate neuroplasticity and help create new (and better) thinking paths. Imagine the incredible effect on SEND and Adoptive/Foster children and their families of thinking about their past experiences or about their present difficulties in a more positive way! Email us at [email protected] for info about free and reasonably priced classes online, in person and in schools. NeuroGraphica sessions are both for adults and for children. You don’t need to be able to draw to take part: if you can hold a pen, you can do NeuroGraphica!
SEND and Adoption Coffee Mornings
Adoptive and Foster parents and grandparents, as well as SEND carers, are welcome to take part to these free gatherings previously held at the Village Centre cafe’ in Victoria Street, Englefield Green, Surrey, but currently happening online. Everyone has the opportunity to share experiences in a non-judgemental environment to find understanding and peer support. We also have guest speakers to talk about school, nutrition, psychology, behaviour, attachment, loving touch through massage and many more.
School-Home Cooperation
We believe in School-Home cooperation to turn schools into a healing environment for children who hurt. School can be challenging for SEND and adopted/looked after children. Difficulties such as poor concentration, low motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, disengagement, aggression, defiance, and school refusal can be understood in terms of trauma and attachment difficulties This means that they struggle to learn and are challenging to teach. Understanding the importance of attachment and the effects of trauma and SEND in child development can help teachers, classroom assistants and other school staff support a child’s emotional regulation, behaviour and learning, resulting in fewer meltdowns, better attainment, and a calmer school environment for all. We have created a specific training that supports school personnel with simple daily practices to help adoptive children have a better school experience.
Access To Funds
Access to funded support therapy for SEND and adoptive/fostered children. Very often vulnerable children experience trauma before they developed language, so they have no words to describe how they feel and often very little awareness of, or control over, their behaviour. This can be helped through a variety of therapies that can be funded via the Adoption Support Fund (ASF). SEND children can have access to DLA (Disability Living Allowance), Respite Care funds and more, while their carers can be awarded Carer’s Allowance and other support tools. Parents are not always aware of these funds, so we raise awareness about them and help parents through the application process.